Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Awana Games, Trees, Padme sayings and Yoda pics

Luke and Leia were in the Awana Olympic Games on Sat. They had lots of fun and each took second place. We had fun watching them. Here are a few pictures of them with their ribbons.

The past two weekends, Hubby, Han and Obi have been out digging holes for 10 trees we bought from a traveling tree salesman. The ground here is incredibly hard, and they have worked hard to get them planted. But, we now have 10 evergreens on our acre. We still have lots to do, but it is nice to look out and see some green. Next week the salesman is bringing some Aspens, so the guys will have more holes to dig. Hubby is starting to plan the fence. We will have a privacy fence along the road, and then chain link for the play yard part. That way we will be able to fence the little kids and the dogs in, but still see out into the next section where we may have some goats or chickens, and then further out where the boys are digging a huge fire pit. Good thing those boys have so much digging energy!

Padme is such a funny kid. The other day I took her grocery shopping with me and she was riding in one of the carts that has a front car for little people to ride in. They are very loud, so it is hard to talk to her. She asked me a question, and I answered, and she said, "I can't hear you mommy because you are shopping!"
The other night she was in the bath tub and she asked about eating out. We are on a strict budget, since the Christmas extravaganza, and then she said, "Oh, I forgot we are poor. Mommy, are we a little bit poor, a little bit rich and a little bit Indian?" Hmm, not sure where that all came from! She keeps us laughing!

And a few more pictures of Yoda.

He doesn't like the Bumbo seat too much.

And here he is crashed after a bath

And check out those thighs! If only chubby was cute when you were an adult!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Here are some pictures of Yoda eating cereal. He hates it! This is about the fourth time I have tried to get him to eat it. This time I mixed in some bananas with it, and still he makes faces and gags. Maybe I should just skip the cereal and give him some mac and cheese.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

This is my first attempt at blogging. I am not a scrapbooker or very creative, so this may be the best way to keep a record of my children's activities, progress and funny sayings. I hope that our family and friends from far away will be able to catch glimpses of our sometimes crazy life.

We recently moved to a new state and are still getting settled into our house and community. While my head knows that there is no such thing as "Normal", I still find myself striving for a sense of normalcy, but life always seems to get in the way. God has a sense of humor.